Auto Accident Checklist – The Do’s & Don’ts
While it is hoped that you are never involved in a motor vehicle accident, the risk of being involved in an accident is an unfortunate reality every time you get into a motor vehicle. According to the United States Census Bureau, in 2009 alone, there was an estimated 10.8 million motor vehicle accidents in the United States. In the event that you are in a motor vehicle accident, it is important to know what you should and should not do.
- Get medical attention for any injured persons by calling 911;
- If your car is creating a safety hazard or traffic congestion, and it is possible, move cars to a safe location;
- Turn on your hazard lights and use other safety devises such as cones or flares;
- Call the police to file an accident report. Do NOT call 911 unless there are injuries;
- Get the names, addresses, and phone numbers of everyone involved. Make sure to get the names and addresses of the registered owners of the cars involved, even if that person was not involved in the accident;
- Write down a description of the other cars involved, the license plate numbers, vehicle identification numbers, and the other cars’ insurance information including name of the insurance company and policy number;
- Get the names, addresses, and phone numbers of any eye-witnesses to the accident;
- Write down specifics about the accident, including the date, time, and location of the accident;
- Take pictures at the scene of any damage done to the vehicles;
- Diagram the accident scene while it is fresh in your memory;
- Contact your insurance agent;
- Contact a qualified auto accident attorney.
- Discuss who is at fault or argue with any of the other parties involved. Only talk about the accident with the police, your insurance agent and your lawyer;
- Disclose your insurance policy details other than the name of your insurance company and the policy number;
- Leave the scene of the accident. This is a crime and in accidents where serious physical injury or death occurs, this constitutes a felony.
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